Working on a best in class website for West College Scotland

At Frame Digital I had the pleasure of winning and leading the planning and delivery of a best in class website for West College Scotland, now one of the largest educational institutions in the country.

Over 50% of traffic was coming to a collection of websites not optimised for mobile devices. The task was to combine the sites into a single responsive website that seamlessly linked with their course application system and to deliver a cohesive brand and user experience.

Engaging with multiple stakeholders, I ran several workshops to ensure all the requirements of the organisation and its user groups were being met.

The new site enjoyed a 35% increase in organic search traffic (without additional marketing) and course applications increased by 28%. The website has received huge praise from peers and stakeholders and won two awards at the 2016 College Development Network awards - including the Students’ Award for best website.

West College Scotland - Web visual

Student stories

The pitch brief stated that West College Scotland placed students at the heart of what they do. I made this core to our pitch and ensured we remained true to this principle through delivery and so we involved students as much as possible through the project lifecycle.

This included filming of a series of student stories, films of students who went on to have successful careers or start their own businesses, to act as inspiration for existing and potential students.

The films were universally loved and went on to feature in subsequent marketing campaigns.